Monday, October 19, 2009


This past weekend Brad and I did what we could at the house after four days of rain...which was obviously nothing outside. Instead, we went to Lowe's and bought a wireless doorbell (with upgraded button because the plastic one was ugly) and some blinds. I am lucky that he is handy because even though he said both of these were "simple" tasks, I know not everyone's husband could do it and for that I am grateful. He was happy to hear that I did not want to doorbell that plays 60+ different tunes, including Christmas music. All I wanted was a simple single and double-tone bell...even the "Westminster 8 tone" was too much for me. Brad also put up one set of blinds in our bedroom so we can decideif they are the ones we like or not. While we love our Andersen double pane, inside grids, tilt in windows, they are not deep enough to mount blinds inside the window frame. So, they have to be mounted on the trim across the top of the window. Thank goodness he is also patient because I am more concerned with seeing the mounting bracket than how the blinds look. It's a girl thing I think. Have you ever made your own curtains? Suggestions for doing so??

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