Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Touched in Church

Okay, get your mind out of the gutter - that is NOT what I mean. In church we sat next to a young boy, sitting alone, in the last pew. We have been attending a new church in town so we are still shying towards the back at this point. He followed the service through the hymns, readings and Lord's prayer. he even signed in cursive in the sign-in log.

When it came time for the offering he got the gold plated bowl first and then passed it to me. He proudly put an offering envelope enscribed with his name (in cursive again) and in the "other" area, he simply wrote "Food." He placed a small bag of cereal in the envelope to give to the church. At the end of the service, the reverend asks for prayers and he raised his hand meekly and said, "For my 11th birthday tomorrow." I sure hope he had a wonderful and memorable day.

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