Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Facebook Birthdays

On Monday I celebrated a birthday. I am now old enough to rent a car without paying any extra fees. When I was a senior in high school and wanted to drive to Myrtle Beach for Spring break that seemed like the best method for traveling. Alas, no one was old enough so we never went. Now I don't even want to rent a car!

Last year my birthday fell on a Saturday and I went with Brad, my mom, and some other relatives to an Orioles game with the Clemson alumni club. It was great fun. This year, my birthday fell on a Monday which didn't really make it seem like a birthday. Does that make sense? Since Facebook came to Clemson in 2004, I have been keeping "in the know" about what "friends" are doing, their families, their jobs, vacations, etc. Well on my birthday I could not believe that more than 75 of these FF (Facebook friends) took a few moments out of their day to send birthday wishes my way.

It made me think about how, to be honest, I do not send many birthday wishes on Facebook, but I do call my close friends and/or send them and/or their children cards. I think I should pay more attention to the birthday list on the right side of the facebook homepage because if these FF were able to bring joy to my day, I should do it for them too.

I was also a little intrigued by the FF who sent messages. of course I had cousins, aunts, and close friends, but there were also old friends, like from elementary school and college friends, who I'm not in touch with anymore, don't know why sometimes, and looking back it is so trivial, but regardless they decided to say Happy Birthday. I have started to shy away from facebook, or at least I think I have, but now I think that even if I don't personally think it is a "proper" way to keep in touch, sometimes you ened to take what you can get from friends who may not be in your life otherwise.

Thanks everyone for distracting me at work on Monday as I kept getting Facebook alerts ;)

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