Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where does my time go?

Last year I started to realyl feel like time was passing quickly - almost too quickly. Now I don't necessarily mean every day at work, but a week is over before I know it, which is great considering relaxing weekends, but alas, those two days off go by just as fast. It was my first wedding anniversary before I thought about how long it takes to thaw the top layer of wedding cake and Christmas almost before I recovered from Thanksgiving. Here we are, a few days into June, and I still am wondering what happened to my first five months of 2010.

I know for the past few weeks, and the next few weeks, I will not be in the office more than four days per week. At this rate I am going four, three, four, two, two.five, and then a full week only to have a three day week for the Fourth of July and then four, and four. The partial work-week trend continues through the summer months since my employers graciously offer a Summer Hours program where we can work extra time during the week and be off every other Friday.

My project for this weekend, one of the few we don't have planned out, is to paint our master bathroom. This may seem easy, but all the "architectural elements" I liked while designing the house and enjoy daily, will not be as fun to paint. I just hope I'm better at picking the color the first time around than I was with our bedroom!

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