Monday, November 22, 2010

Fabric Rosette Pin

Since imitation is the fondest form of flattery, I decided to modify a project my friend Emily made. Instead of making a bib necklace, I decided to make a single rosette pin wtih some leftover fabric from a nursing cover I plan on sewing by the end of the year (just add that to the list!). I used a hot glue gun instead of Liquid Stitch and it did make it a bit messier, but I didn't have to purchase anything for this project except the pin backs.

All I did was cut a strip of scrap fabric 1 1/2-2 inches wide and fold it in half, sealing it with dots of glue. I then twisted it so it rolled over itself. Since the fabric I used was multi-colored, this made the rosette a little more random color-wise because I didn't know what would show when I was done.

After twisting, I started to roll it up from the end closest to me, applying glue along the way. I ended up adding an additional piece of fabric after the first one because I wanted the pin to be a bit larger.

I cut out a circle of black felt, enough to hold the rosette, but small enough to not be seen from the front, and glued on the actual pin. All done!

Total project time: Less than 15 minutes!! I am going to make some other rosettes with scrap fabric from other projects I have done/am working on so I have a simple way besides necklaces to dress up some of the solid maternity clothes I have.

Check out Emily's fabric rosette necklace tutorial on her blog, LaForce Be With You.

Linking up to Making  Monday Marvelous, Making the World Cuter, Just Something I Whipped Up, Today's Creative Blog,, Creation Corner



    So cute. Good choice of fabric!

    I'd love for you to check out my blog!

    mucho love

    p.s. i'm your newest follower! :)

  2. Cute! I love the bright fabric! Thanks for coming by!
