Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Day Chili

I  have been working from home sometime because of the ice on our steps, the road, the car, etc. Obviously icy conditions are dangerous for everyone, but my husband and managers are even more concerned with me carrying this little thing we call a baby in my belly.

At lunchtime yesterday I made myself grilled cheese with tomatoes for lunch, but I also decided to make dinner while I was at it. Since I am banned from going outdoors, I looked in the pantry and decided the best option was crockpot chili.

Ingredients (based on what I had on hand):
1 onion, chopped
baby bella mushrooms, chopped (about the same amount as the onion)
1 can black beans, rinsed
1 can kidney beans, rinsed
1 can diced tomatoes, chili-ready
1 can diced tomatoes, plain
venison cubes (my husband hunts)

I poured all of these ingredients in the crockpot and started dinner at 12:30.

After about four hours I added some garlic powder, chili powder, oregano and cayenne pepper to season to my liking. At six I added in Texas Pete hot sauce because it wasn't spicy enough.

By the time my husband came home from work, dinner was ready!


  1. looks yummy! crock pot recipes are the best! I gave you a stylish blogger award so check it out:

  2. OHHEEEMMMMGEEE! I am so hungry now! Chili is my weakness! Thank you so much for linking up to DOtDotDOt, it made my day! I am featuring this!!
    Thanks girl!
