Thursday, March 8, 2012

I Miss Sophie

Am I the only adult who feels bad that Woody and Buzz Lightyear end up in the bottom of Andy's toybox and the closet when he "gets too big" for them in Toy Story? I didn't think so. We now have that ex-favorite toy in our house and it makes me sad to say that it is Sophie. If you have never heard of Sophie and are a parent, please excuse me, but what planet are you on (just kidding…sort of)? No I did not buy William a $30 "chew toy," but someone else did and after seeing how much he loved it, I'd be happy to spend the money for future children. So here's a breakdown of Sophie's benefits:

Sophie was a our always a hit toy. She came in the car, was a staple in the diaper bag/purse/daddy's coat pocket in the summer and fall…

…and then she wasn't. Right now William is going through his toybox and pulling out practically every single toy except Sophie. This makes me sad. He is getting so big and wants toys that are more engaging and exciting, and I suppose he is too young to remember all the fun adventures Sophie took with him. This Momma is sad :(

By the way, did you read the article in the WSJ about William's beloved giraffe? I'm two days behind so I hadn't read it before this post.


  1. Oh this is sooo cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Nope, we didn't have one.... and to be honest, I had to google it. Although I HAVE seen them before.
