Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hoppy Easter!

HAPPY EASTER! Because I wanted to share this post on Easter morning to show you how much a year can change a child, I don't have an actual Easter morning picture to share (yet) since we left early for church and I am publishing this post via autopost :).

But, look at my sweet newborn boy on his first Easter last year. I was thrilled to purchase his outfit with a little tie from Zulily and I did it within a few days of his birth since we didn't know his gender beforehand, I couldn't purchase an Easter outfit. Lucky for me, Easter was at the end of April in 2011. When I look at this picture I still see the same little face.

Here we are one year later and William wasn't so easy to sit with the Easter bunny, so we went with him :). Tomorrow he will be excited to see finger paints, crayons and construction paper in his Easter basket. Since we have breakfast at church, church and then family brunch, he will probably play with his basket in the afternoon so we can actually do some artwork!

I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day!

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