Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Transition to a Big Boy Bed

This past Saturday (1/26), we assembled William's twin bed in his big boy room (or big boy room until we move). William was very excited to help with Daddy's tools and it only took us about an hour to remove the full bed and bed frame and assemble the twin bed. Ok, by we I mean my husband since I can't lift anything being 27 weeks pregnant.

Two weeks ago we had reconfigured the furniture in this same room because I sold an Ikea armoire through my local buy/sell page. Since the house is on the market, we moved things around to make the room look larger and it looks even better now with only William's furniture.

Last night (1/29) I decided to try and put William to sleep for the night in his bed. My husband and I have been spending time with him in the room setting it up, reading books and getting dressed to introduce him to his big boy room so the baby can have the other room. Well, it went MUCH better than I expected. I think my husband was pretty surprised to see him asleep in the bed.

This was all bittersweet for me. I wish I had thrown a last night in the crib celebration (only partly kidding) because now I hope he stays in the bed for good. Why switch him now? Well, I really didn't want to deal with a new house, new room, new bed and new baby all at once. Seemed like too much for our little boy. So, I just put him down for his first nap and managed to take a picture with my phone (sans flash of course). I hope he has sweet dreams!

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